2019-20 School Year Tuition Information
Xcel Bronze Team
Practices are Tuesday and Friday 4:30-7:00pm
Tuition is 9 monthly payments of $215
Xcel Silver Team
Practices are Tuesday and Friday 6:00-8:30pm
Tuition is 9 monthly payments of $215
Add Saturdays = $275/month (full year-no month to month)
Xcel Gold Team
Practices are Tuesday & Friday 6:00-8:30pm and Saturday 11-2pm
Tuition is 9 monthly payments of $275
Xcel Platinum Team
Practices are Tuesday & Friday 6:00-8:30pm and Saturday 11-2pm
Tuition is 9 monthly payments of $275
Add Thursdays = $345/month (full year-no month to month)
Xcel Diamond Team
Practices are Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 5:30-8:30pm and Saturday 11-2pm
Tuition is 9 monthly payments of $345
All team members are on a 9 month payment schedule. Practices run from Sept 4 – June 13.
Tuition payments are due by the 1st of each month, September through May, there is no June payment.
All team members are required to have a valid credit card on file at the gym.
If payment is not received by the 1st, your credit card will be automatically charged on the 2nd.
If you must withdraw from the program before the end of the school year we must receive written notice by the 25th
or you will be charged for the next month.
Uniforms, Athlete Registration and Meet fees are in addition to Tuition.